Montserrat scaled e1586949831356 - Montserrat-Catalonia-Spain

Montserrat Mountain Natural Park

Montserrat Mountain was declared a natural park in 1987 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Montserrat Mountain is located to the right of the Llobregat River, inbetween the Plain of Bages (called Pla de Bages) and the coast. It sits amongst a mountain range known as the pre-coastal mountain range and its peak can be seen jutting out from the range. Google Maps

cabrasmontserrat scaled - Montserrat-Catalonia-Spain

Hiking Trails

We have selected the best hiking trails in the Park. Hiking Trails

Abadia Montserrat - Montserrat-Catalonia-Spain

Where to rest

We have selected the greatest places to rest in the Park. Discover

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