Can Bonada

Can Bonada

Can Bonada is located in Queralbs. Salt del Grill and Via ferrada Roca de la Creu are some of the emblematic places in the region, where you can also visit the Cabeceras del Ter and Freser Natural Park and Vall de Núria Ski Resort if you are looking for an active holiday. Google Maps

Hotel La Coma

Hotel La Coma

Hotel La Coma is located in Setcases. Paseo de Maristany and Puente El Pont Nou are some of the emblematic places in the region, where you can also get close to the Vallter 2000 Ski Resort and the Cabeceras del Ter and Freser Natural Park if you are looking for an active holiday. Being next to the mountain, you can get closer and enjoy downhill skiing, snowboarding and some ski lessons. You can also do other outdoor activities, such as walking with snowshoes. Google Maps

Vall de Nuria

Vall de Nuria

Vall de Nuria is located in Queralbs. Salt del Grill and Via ferrada Roca de la Creu are some of the emblematic places of the region, whose natural beauty you can admire in the Natural Park of Cabeceras del Ter and Freser and El Taga. Google Maps